3 Reasons Why DIY Towing Isn’t a Good Idea

After a collision or vehicle break down, one of the first decisions to make is where to have your vehicle towed. This decision is coupled with another one: how to get it there. Most driver’s first call is a tow truck. But because this can be an added expense that often requires upfront payment, many drivers are tempted to use the “do it yourself” approach. Sure, towing a vehicle to the shop yourself or having a friend help out is cheaper, but there are also downsides and dangers that mean the DIY choice is usually the wrong one.

Factor #1: Higher Risk of Damage

       Many drivers worry about the risk of damage to their vehicles that can be caused by a tow truck. But research shows that a professional tow has a much lower risk of incidence than having someone move the vehicle by other methods. When towing yourself, you must make sure you have the right equipment and that the vehicle you are towing with can hold the weight. Tow trucks have specialized frames, engines, axles and equipment. Towing with a vehicle that isn’t made for “heavy lifting” so to speak, you can easily add extra damage to both vehicles. There is also the added risk of injury and additional collisions.

       Another thing to keep in mind is that many insurance companies have rules about how your vehicle can be towed after a collision or accident. If you break these rules and damage occurs, insurance may refuse to cover the repair cost.

orlando auto body team photo
A car being towed away by red tow truck

Factor #2: You Might Break the Law

       In the US, each individual state has its own laws regarding towing and equipment. Some of these laws are common sense. Like the one that says: If a vehicle is towing another vehicle and the connection consists of a chain, rope or cable, a white flag or cloth at least twelve inches square shall be displayed on the connection. Others are confusing, such as the law that states that:

       “A resident shall not operate, move or leave standing on a highway a motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer that is: Owned by a nonresident and that is primarily under the control of a resident of this state for more than seven months unless the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer has been registered with the department for the current registration year.”

       Read that twice. In general, where legalities are concerned, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. Otherwise you might end up costing yourself way more money than what the original tow would have cost in the first place.

Factor #3: Its Already Covered

      At Orlando Auto Body, we will cover the tow and bill the insurance company for any accident that will be covered by insurance.

       Meaning in many cases, there will be no upfront cost for a professional tow and you avoid the risk of violating insurance regulations. If you are confused about whether or not your tow will be covered, call our trusted towing vendor (Junior’s Towing Service) at 480-470-6805. We look forward to taking care of your repairs and will do anything in our power to make your overall experience as seamless as possible. 
