How to Survive a Car Crash

Of all the disturbing events a human being can go through during their lifetime, a serious car crash is one of the most traumatic. Those who survive a serious collision often spend months picking up the pieces physically, emotionally, and financially. Sometimes, the process takes years. Then there are fatal crashes where loss of life occurs. In America, statistics show that over 40,000 people died in 2016 car crashes: the deadliest year on record. Another 4.6 million were seriously injured. Though not all accidents can be avoided, there are some ways to increase your chances of surviving a car crash.

#1 Invest in Safety

When it comes to safety, all vehicles aren’t created equally. One of the best things you can do to increase your chances of surviving a car crash is to buy a vehicle with a top safety rating from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. This article lists the top seven picks, the leader being the 2017 Chevrolet Volt.

This car has some amazing safety features that can reduce the possibility of a crash including forward collision alert, lane keep assist, and headlights that adjust automatically. The first helps drivers avoid rear-ending another vehicle, the second alerts you when you’re drifting out of your lane, and the third assists in detecting things that you might crash into. Even if you’re not a Chevy person, buying a car with built-in safety features is important for collision survival.

Car Crash Survival Tips: How to Survive a Collision
Car Crash Survival Tips: How to Survive a Collision

#2 Get Your Vehicle Serviced Regularly

Accidents happen in an instant, so almost all of the survival tips that we provide will be prevention based. It’s vital to buy a safe vehicle and it’s just as important to maintain those standards through regular servicing. Airbags and seat belts are critical parts of car crash survival. If they’re not working properly during an accident, driver and passenger survival rates decrease significantly. Your brakes, engine, transmission, and other non-safety systems should be serviced as well.

Finally, check to make sure your car isn’t under a recall of any kind. Faulty vehicle systems cause many of the thousands of crashes that occur each year, most preventable by maintenance.

#3 Put Your Phone and Food Away

Distracted driving is a main cause of fatal crashes. Most states have outlawed talking and texting while driving. Phone companies like Apple are including features that discourage drivers from using their phones while on the road. You can prevent an accident by choosing not to use your phone, eat, or do other distracting tasks while driving. Not only will you decrease your chances of causing a crash, but you’ll also be prepared to drive defensively if you are hit by another driver.

#4 Be a Prepared Passenger

It’s not just the driver of a vehicle who needs to be prepared for a collision. If you are a passenger, you should ride defensively. A few tips for passengers include sitting up straight and not putting your feet up on the dashboard. Kids do this all the time, but if you are sitting in this position during a crash, you are likely to walk away (if you can walk) with some very serious injuries. Don’t distract the driver, always watch for distracted drivers.

#5 Exit Carefully

If you try to avoid a crash but find yourself in a collision anyway, make an exit, but do so carefully.

  • Move your vehicle out of the way of oncoming traffic if at all possible.
  • If your vehicle is on fire, move yourself and anyone else away quickly.
  • A sinking car is one of the worst places to be—roll down you window as soon as you enter the water and make your escape.
  • If you must stand near a median or on the side of the road/interstate, do so with caution. Many people die from being stuck after a crash.

Although this guide doesn’t guarantee driver’s safety, keeping the listed tips in mind can be the first step to increasing your chances of car crash survival.

Safety and recovery after a crash are of utmost importance. Once you are ready to deal with your car repairs, call Orlando Auto Body at 480-526-5747. We’d be happy to help support you through the process of getting your vehicle back on the road after a collision.
