5 Tips to Avoid a Collision With A Deer and Car Repair

Deer collisions result in tens of thousands of injuries, astronomical car repair cost and death. Although deer collision statistics vary from state to state, the majority of deer accidents occur in the Midwest.  However, no matter where you live, you should be aware of possibility of colliding with a deer—or other animal.

The most prevalent time most deer collisions occur are from dusk to dawn so being prepared can help to prevent you from experiencing this.  Here are some statistics regarding deer collisions:

  • On average, there are over 1.5 million collisions with deer per year.
  • Deer collisions cause 175- 200 deaths a year.
  • Over 3.5 Billion in vehicle damage.
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As seen above, this is a serious problem in the US resulting in human fatalities and huge monetary losses in car repair.  Here are 5 steps you can take to cut down on risk of hitting a deer.

1. Remember that deer are “pack” animals. If you see one, chance are there are others nearby or right behind him.

2 .If you’re traveling between dusk and dawn, you need to be extra alert as this is when they’re on the move. Slow down and pay attention.

3. Don’t swerve. Many accidents with deer result in the driver swerving to avoid the deer and driving into oncoming traffic.   Although it goes against your first instinct, slow down as much as you can and hit the deer.  It will do less damage and avoid a head-on collision with another car

4. Pay attention to deer crossing signs. These are put in areas known for high deer traffic so being extra alert in these areas is a good idea.

5. Honk your horn. Some experts recommend honking your horn for a prolonged blast will eventually scare the deer off the road. That may or may not be true, but honking your horn can’t hurt.

Although sometimes no matter what you do, you can’t avoid a collision with a deer, the above tips can help you be more alert an aware and possibly prevent a collision.

At Orlando Auto Body, we treat your car—no matter what type of collision you’ve been in—as if it were our own. We want you to be completely satisfied with your car repair so that it’s repaired to its pre-accident condition.
